Wednesday, February 23, 2011

That horrible time of the year

 Well.....its here!! We are officially right smack dab in the middle of tax season. I tend to describe it as the time when my poor husband works from sun up to sun down,  eats horribly, sleeps very little, and becomes almost like a visitor in our house.  Its hard on all of us, especially the kids.  Amelia doesn't understand "taxis" (as she calls it)  and frankly, we just miss him.  I want the kids to understand that while their dad did work alot when they were little, when he was here, he was really HERE...So to Amelia and Maddox, here's a day during tax season.

Sweet Amelia and Maddox,

        Its tax season and Daddy is gone alot.  I know its difficult on you both but I want you to know that your dad loves you more than you will ever know!  He's working long days right now and even on Saturdays.  He's tired and stressed  but you would never know it.  Before bed, every night, he gets your breakfast ready and your sippy cups filled.  He checks on you both and then heads to bed.  He gets up around 5 or 6, showers, and then waits for you, Maddox.  You always wake up first.  Daddy loves this time with you.  Sometimes you fall back to sleep on his chest, and others times, you two watch one of your movies together.  He feeds you breakfast and plays with you unitl I wake up.  You can't get enough of your Dad.  You follow him around while he irons his clothes, gets dressed, and shaves.  You stretch those arms up to him and of course, he picks you up.  Around this time, Amelia, you wake up.  You yell for Dad and he helps you carry your banky and all 15 of your stuffed animals downstairs.  He gets your breakfast and talks with you before he leaves.  You both hang on to his legs and beg him not to go, but you know he has to work.  We carry on fine through the day.  We talk about Daddy all day and draw him pictures.  Amelia, I love your prayers at dinner!  They always include how much you love and miss your Dad.  And then comes our favorite part of the day...Dad comes home. I know he's home because I hear both of you screaming!!  He walks through the door, drops his 3 huge bags, and starts playing with you guys....and I mean really playing.  He doesn't change clothes, he doesn't eat, and he doesn't sit down to rest.  You guys dance and run and play and read and color and sing!  He's down on his hands and knees playing dogs or giving you rides on his shoulders. Maddox, you get sleepy first.  Dad reads you books and takes you upstairs.  He rocks you until you fall asleep on his shoulder.  Daddy comes back downstairs and reads to you, Amelia.  Sometimes you two work on your homework and sometimes you color pictures, just depends on your mood.  He helps you brush your teeth and get ready for bed and eventually carries you to your room.  Once Daddy comes back downstairs, we spend the rest of the night talking about the two of you.  Just so you know, sweet babies, even though your dad is not here as much as he would love to be, when he is here....He's HERE!!!  We love you both and are so blessed to wake up every morning to your precious faces.



  1. What a good Daddy! Your kids are so lucky! I can't wait to meet them for REAL on Saturday! I've never met them in real life, but I feel like I know them very well. Great post!

  2. This is so sweet! You two are wonderful parents, raising two wonderful children!
