Sunday, April 3, 2011

Poopy Day

I'm just gonna say it...Today was a "terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day."  (Btw, a must read book).  It actually began this way because of a little basketball game last night.  I hardly think it is healthy to get so emotionally invested in the games, but nevertheless, my brothers and I were a wreck last night.  When UK came out in the second half and cut it to 4, we were screaming.  Then, one minute left in the game, Tyler stormed upstairs, Drew went outside, and Matt and I just stared at the television in disbelief.  I felt like somebody punched me in the stomach.  I immediately went to bed and thought for sure I would be over it by morning... but no, not even close.  I actually felt worse.  All the media just reminded me of what might have been.  But a mother doesn't dwell on a UK basketball loss...nope, no time to.  Amelia woke up at 4:00 am with a fever again...and Maddox, well, he was up at 6:00 am.  Sweet, energetic Amelia just wasn't herself today.  She just wanted to sleep on the couch and watch movies.  She refused to eat or drink anything and trying to get medicine down her made me crazy.  Maddox began a dirty diaper marathon at about 7:00 am and at last count, we were at about 11.  The stomach bug has caused him to have painful diaper rash and now he screams bloody murder every time he needs to be changed.  So a UK loss, 2 sick kids, and a very tired momma make for a (excuse the pun) poopy day.


  1. oh no! hope tomorrow is better :)

  2. Booooo!!!! Sick kids are bad enough, but sick kids on a day like today are just torture, I'm sure. :(. Hope everyone is better soon.
