Wednesday, August 14, 2013


Oh My Gosh!!  Maddox is almost 4 years old and still gets up at least once a night.  Lucky for me, Drew can get up with kids and not remember it the next day.   However, on occasion, I do get up to see what he needs.  At 3:00 am, these are the reasons Maddox wakes up.

1.  I need more juicy.

2.  I have a hangnail.

3.  I'm so hot.

4.  I need more juicy.

5.  I really want to ride a horse.  (Not even kidding!)

6.  I need someone in here with me.

7.  It's too dark. (He has 2 night lights.)

8.  I love you.

9.  Can Sam come over?

10.  My bed is wet.  I throwed up.  ( He didn't.  He peed.  While it's still disgusting, I will take it over throw up any day.)

11.  I lost my key.  (It's a key to a diary that may or may not be his.  He can not read, write, or open the dumb thing.

12.  I heared something.

13.  I need more juicy.

14.  I can't find my blanket.

15.  I miss you.

16.  My dinger hurts. (Don't ask.)

17.  I get up now?

It's annoying but also a little funny.  I know at some point he will sleep straight through the night.  Until then, I will look at this picture every night before bed to remind me just how darn awesome he is!!


  1. Love it!!!! Don't feel bad, Maddie is almost 6 and still comes and gets in bed with us at least 4 out of 7 nights!!!! Her excuse is it is scary in her room and she hears stuff!!!
