Amelia woke up with a fever again today and I knew we were headed to the doctor. Of course it's tax season, so Drew couldn't help out with Maddox. *Sigh*...I so dreaded the next couple of hours. They fought all the way there, mostly because Maddox wanted to play and Amelia wanted to be left alone. Once we got to the doctor's office, Maddox refused to be carried and walked.... I mean, splashed, in every puddle in the parking lot. Soaking wet, we approached the door where I knew another fight was coming. They both reached for the handicap door opener button thing. Amelia got there first and Maddox punched her. Before I could even check in at the front desk, Maddox was doing a timeout....a very loud timeout, at that. They called us back after about 10 minutes. Doesn't sound like we had a long wait until you think about what all Maddox did in those 10 minutes. He managed to completely empty the waiting room of every ounce of hand sanitizer. He soaked himself even more with the water fountain and I swear, out of the corner of my eye, I saw him lick a chair. I forgot to mention that he was also constipated so every 5 minutes or so he would run to me screaming. He would put both of his hands on my arms, bend over and scream. Lovely. While we sat in our room, I thought I had both kids distracted with some crayons and coloring books. Then I remembered Maddox had learned to open "handle" doors. He left the room while I was holding sick little Amelia. He seemed quiet out there so I didn't panic. Two minutes later, he came back to the room with about 10 suckers and 5 stickers. I asked him several times to take them back and he refused. Somewhere in there, he hit me and did another VERY loud timeout. So loud, that I was embarrassed and sweating! After his timeout, he went to return his loot. I would have followed him to make sure he was on the right track, but the doctor was starting to test Amelia for strep and the flu. She went crazy. She hates anything down her throat or in her nose. I looked up and both kids were screaming. Amelia had a q-tip so far up her nose, I was actually worried and Maddox had a hand full of tongue depressors from....well, I have no idea where he got them. I'm assuming he fell on the way back from his "treasure hunt" and that's why he was crying. I decided there was nothing left for me to do but to call Drew. I didn't want to yell or scream at him, I just wanted him to hear exactly how my day was going. Both tests came back negative, tongue depressors replaced, stickers and suckers put back in the basket and off we went. I feel certain the entire office erupted in applause at the sight of our Saturn leaving the parking lot. *Sigh* The afternoon has been better. It's amazing what lunch, a nap, and a good poop will do....Anyway, I think this picture pretty much sums up this yucky Wednesday.
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