Saturday, May 28, 2011

Our little graduate

I couldn't sleep last night.  To be honest, I'm not sure if it was because my allergies were driving me crazy or if  I was tossing and turning because Amelia was preparing to graduate from preschool.  I feel certain it was the latter because,  I mean, when you are 4, preschool graduation is huge.  I asked Amelia if she knew what it meant and she said ,"its where you sing songs and eat cake."  She's kinda correct.  They did sing and we did eat cake...But it is also a time when Moms sit staring at their child in the front of the room, trying to figure out where the time has gone. 

She was so cute up there in her little white cap, singing those songs.  I caught myself watching her with a permanent smile on my face.  Then my mind quickly went back to when I brought her home from the hospital.  Then I started thinking about all of her firsts...her first tooth, her first step, her first word.  Seriously, how did this happen so quickly?  I thought I was prepared.  People had told me when I was pregnant to document everything; to take pictures, keep journals, video frequently.  I just want to scream, "I did all that and it didn't help!"  As I sat there watching her, I was so proud...not just because she was singing with all her heart but proud that she has, in her 4 short years, become such a sweet, caring little girl.  Just as I started to get emotional, one of the songs called for whining like a baby and I was forced back to reality.

After the songs, each girl stepped up to tell the room what she wanted to be when she grows up.  The answers were mostly veterenarians, dentists and princesses.  Amelia took the stage and when Miss Lisa asked her the question, she responded, " I want to be a dog owner."   That's all it took for me.  She will one day be the proud owner of a dog and I can then say I had a hand in making her dreams (and profession) come true.  She received her diploma, took some pictures, and had cake and ice cream.

Its simple really. I love this girl....with everything I have.  She brings such light in our lives and I can't remember a time when she wasn't with us.  She makes everything we do a little more fun, a little more exciting, and a little more perfect.  Congratulations, my sweet Rose, you did it and you did it well.

1 comment:

  1. aww! I cried a little at this post! I remember holding Millie in the hospital!!

    p.s. LOVE your necklace :)
