Oh Spring! I have been waiting so long for you! Tonight Drew got home at five o'clock. We ate dinner together and then went on a nice walk around the block. It was such a pleasant night and the kids had a blast. They collected rocks, sticks, pine cones, and a couple of other questionable treasures. Usually Amelia runs ahead of us...but not tonight. She held my hand the entire way. As we were climbing the big hill toward our house, she looked up at me with those big blue eyes and said, "Mama, I love you." I knew exactly what she meant. It was such a perfect night....just our family, walking and enjoying each other. I looked ahead to see Drew carrying Maddox on his shoulders. His legs just couldn't go anymore. We got to the top of the driveway and Amelia stopped for an announcement. She said, "Mom, when I get older and get married, I'm still going to live here with you and Daddy." I looked at Drew anxious to see what his response would be. He said, "Of, course you are." She was more than satisfied with that answer.
I remember when I was little I said the exact same thing. Obviously I moved out and obviously I'm happy but there are days (alot of days, actually) that I wish I could still live with my mama. So I know there will come a time when Amelia moves out for good. But it's nice knowing that on one spring day she felt she wanted to live with me forever.
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