Saturday, March 12, 2011

Flyin' or Dyin'

The only thing Amelia loves more than dogs is chocolate.  When she was denied another cookie last night, she yelled out those words I knew we would someday hear.  Granted, I thought she would be at least 10 or 12 but Amelia is Amelia and she uttered them at age 4.  "I'm moving out!"  She grabbed the house phone, a candle, her pjs and the keys to the garage.  She headed for the door and barely reaching the door knob said, "You are the meanest parents ever!"  Drew and I tried not to laugh because she was so serious. She was crying and pulling on the door for all she was worth.

We informed her she could not leave the house in her underwear and reminded her she was not allowed to go outside without us.  She grabbed her pajamas and said she would get dressed when she got where she was going.

Through her tears, she said, "Maddox, I'm going to miss you!"  Totally oblivious, Maddox went over to her and peed in the floor right at her feet.  (My house is a circus and it is a circus all the time.)

I think its save to say Maddox wasn't too worried about the situation.  The crying went on for a couple more minutes and we were finally able to talk her down.  Let's face it...the keys to the garage weren't going to get her too far anyway.  We caved in and let her have a pack of smarties candy and peace was restored.  A whopping 5 minutes late this is what she looked like.

And Maddox was totally stoked that Amelia was distracted enough to get her sunglasses.

God bless her heart!  She is absolutely like her mother.  We are flyin' or we are dyin'.  Thankfully, she's usually flyin'.


  1. that is seriously one of the funniest things I have ever read - love the pics!!

  2. Funniest thing ever!!! A lil Stephanie!
