Monday, April 29, 2013

Talk, Talk, Talk!

OMGosh!!  My kids never stop talking...EVER!!

Things I am so tired of hearing  (pretty sure it will be easy to figure out which one of my kids says what;)

1.  Watch me, Mom!

2.  Do we have to go to bed?

3.  I'm hungry.

4.  Can I have dessert?

5.  Are there any bees outside right now?

6.  Is is time for ________?  (insert either karate or gymnastics)

7.  Where's my sippy cup?

8.  He won't stop bothering me.

9.  She won't stop bothering me.

10.  I don't want to read.

11. Mom, Mom, Mom!!!

Things I will never get tired of hearing

1.  Love you, Mom

2. Will you play with me?

3. Turn the radio up!

4.  Will you spot me?

5.  Will you hold me?

6.  Will you sleep with me?

7.  Read to me.

8.  Let's hang out, Mom.

9. I love my brother.

10.  I love my sister.

11.  Mom, Mom, Mom!!
I got the best kids in the world!  (but seriously....they don't stop talking, EVER!!)