I am constantly wondering if I am making the right choices as a mom. This was especially difficult when trying to evaluate Amelia with her little gymnastic "career." During the summer, she made the team which included much more time away from Mom and Dad, many more hours in the gym, and alot of money;) Drew and I just kept saying, "She's only 5...Can she handle all of this and school?" Well, our questions were soon answered and everything has worked out perfectly. I mean there are sacrifices; like no holidays from school, missed play dates and weekends full of travel for competitions. But we are so proud that we have encouraged her to participate in a sport that has been able to teach her so much. She has made new friends and her coaches are such great, positive role models.
Her first competition was this past weekend. She was a nervous wreck. We got up at 4 am and drove to Northern Kentucky. It was cold, she was tired and I was sick. Not a fun day....so I thought! And then it began! She had an awesome day!
Amelia walked away with 3, yes 3 medals and a 3rd place All Around trophy; her first trophy, I might add!
After bath time, snuggle time, and a recap conversation that night, Amelia was having trouble falling asleep. She just kept reliving the day. I left the room and started to hear her cry. I walked back in and asked her why she was upset. Her reply?...."I just don't want this day to end, Mom."
I was able to rest easy on Sunday night....Drew and I had totally and completely made the right decision.