Along with the great stuff she has learned, she has brought home some other information that I could do without. For example, Isabel had to sit in time out for wiping boogers on Jackson's face. Really?
Oh, and she found out another word for passing gas...I'm so not fond of that F word. And by far the best lunch time conversation she had was finding out that Breanna's mom had to call the "cops" to make someone leave her house. Holy cannoli!! Overall, she digs school. It's just so sad to see how much she has grown up since starting Kindergarten. Don't get me wrong, she still wants to snuggle, she still needs me to kiss her ouchies, and most of all, she still thinks I know everything. Hope this lasts a little longer because it will break my heart when she doesn't "need" me.
And Maddox.....well let's just say God really knows what He's doing. If Maddox were my first child, I'm afraid he would be my only. He's a mess...full of life and trouble. I simply do not have enoung time in this post to fill you in on him....It deserves much more of my time. And if he will leave me alone for 10 minutes, I may be able to write about him soon;) Until then......